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Social Studies

Department Message:

Edmonds-Woodway social studies teachers combine the study of geography, history, civics, government, economics and  major religions, while drawing upon  anthropology, archaeology, law, philosophy, political science,  psychology and sociology.
By creating engaging lessons to make relevant contemporary times through examining the past, E-W social studies teachers aim to help students build critical thinking skills and develop into informed adults. Over 3.5 years, students examine key elements of global history, United States history and government and how the US fits into an increasingly connected world. Upon graduation, students are equipped to become informed citizens in a racially and culturally diverse democratic society.

History and social studies are highly relevant in the contemporary, multi-cultural world for students to develop the habits of life-long inquiry and informed civic action. Our department goal is to create a cadre of critical thinkers, to understand bias of sources and to evaluate multiple points of view.

Department Course Options

Social Studies