Welcome to the Math Department!
The Edmonds-Woodway Mathematics Department is committed to empowering all students to achieve academic excellence. Learning mathematics changes the way we see the world and makes us better thinkers, consumers of information, and problem solvers.
The kind of skills and thinking that we are striving to support include:
making sense of and persevering in solving problems;
reasoning abstractly and quantitatively;
constructing viable arguments and critiquing the reasoning of others;
modeling with mathematics;
using appropriate tools strategically;
attending to precision;
looking for and making use of structure;
and looking for and expressing regularity in repeated reasoning.
In addition, in our changing world the ability to succeed in mathematics is becoming increasingly important for college readiness and the careers of tomorrow. The EWHS Mathematics Department is proud to offer a number of excellent college level courses in the IB, AP, and CHS programs.